As shared from the kitchen of Mari @ Once Upon a Plate
With many thanks to Mary @ Home is Where the Boat is
Package of Peeps® Ghost Marshmallow (you'll need 12)
1 1/2 cups Graham Cracker crumbs, finely crushed
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 Tablespoons sugar
pinch salt
8x8-inch baking dish
Generous amount of butter for baking dish
Your favorite Brownie recipe (or boxed mix)
1/2 cup Chocolate chip morsels
36 Mini chocolate morsels (3 for each ghost, for eyes, nose/mouth)
Preheat oven, center rack 350ºF
For the Graham Cracker Crust: Generously butter baking dish and set aside. In a medium bowl mix graham cracker crumbs with melted butter, blend in sugar and salt until completed mixed. Press mixture into bottom of buttered baking dish, as evenly as possible. Place in preheated oven and bake for 10 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare brownie batter. When graham crust is baked, remove from oven and pour brownie batter over crumb crust and spread evenly. Bake according to recipe/boxed mix directions. Scatter the chocolate morsels over the brownies during last 5 minutes of baking (this will help the marshmallow 'ghosts' adhere to the brownies.)
Remove the baking dish from oven and arrange 3 rows of 4 Ghost Peeps®
over the chocolate morsels, pressing lightly. Place pan a few inches from hot broiler element in oven, do NOT walk away (these will burn in an instant once they begin to turn golden.) When the marshmallows are the color you like remove from oven, you'll notice the chocolate for eyes/mouth have all but disappeared. Remove from broiler, cool a bit then place chocolate mini-morsels to represent ghosts' eyes and mouth. These are easiest to cut neatly when completely cool. Cut as desired and enjoy!